Business Setup in Dubai Mainland: Understanding Regulations, Procedures, and Market Opportunities

Are you a private or corporate investor looking for your next profitable venture? A business setup in Dubai Mainland may interest you. It’s a favourable move for any entrepreneur looking to expand their reach in the international market. At Virtue, we have had the privilege of helping many business owners succeed in forming their companies on the mainland.

If you are interested in this opportunity, the Virtue Corporate Services team will walk you through the mainland company formation process in Dubai. This blog will share the regulations and processes for setting up a business in Mainland Dubai. We will help you understand how simple it can be with our assistance. Plus, we will discuss the market opportunities you can expect from a business setup in Dubai Mainland.

Regulations you must know

The process of forming a mainland company in Dubai is managed by the Dubai Economic Department (DED), the licensing authority. It grants you the right to operate in commercialised geographic jurisdictions in the UAE. With this license, you have the freedom and flexibility to operate and expand your business on the mainland.

The Commercial Companies Law of 2021 outlines five specific business structures you can choose from when setting up your company in Dubai Mainland:

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Simple Limited Liability Partnership Company
  • Joint Liability Company – General Partnership
  • Private Joint Stock Company
  • Public Joint Stock Company

Under the law, a business setup in Dubai Mainland that does not adopt any of those company types will be null and void. This is why we recommend seeking reliable advice from our business setup consultants here at Virtue to make an informed choice. Our team will ensure your compliance with all specific regulations and laws so you can maximise the benefits of setting up your business in the UAE.

Additionally, foreign entities or companies in free zones can form a representative office or branch on the mainland. However, their business activities must be similar to those of the parent company.

Procedure to set up your business in the mainland

Mainland company formation in Dubai follows a straightforward process involving these steps:

Step 1: Choose your business activity and define its nature. This step determines the licence you must get along with other necessary permits.

Step 2: Determine your company’s legal structure. This will define your ownership and other important factors, like the number of shareholders you must have. Many businesses choose LLC, but we may recommend other legal frameworks depending on your goals.

Step 3: Register and reserve your trade name. This provides the initial approval and ensures your business setup in Dubai Mainland complies with government guidelines. Be sure to sign the Ejari or rental contract to proceed.

Step 4: Find a compliant business location. Your physical working space on the mainland must comply with zoning policies, local regulations, and the DED.

Step 5: Draft your Memorandum of Association or Local Service Agent Agreement. The MOA should specify whether your business will be an LLC, a private shareholding company, or a public shareholding company. An LSA is required if your business is a sole proprietorship.

Step 6: Get approved. Some businesses must obtain additional approvals and licences. For example, you might be required to pay an extra AED 2,000 if you use an English brand name.

Step 7: Pay the fees and get the licence. Visit the Dubai DED to apply for your licence once you reserve your commercial name, finalise your activity, and decide on your legal framework.

Market opportunities

One of the perks of mainland company formation in Dubai is that it allows your business to trade and take on several projects while expanding your offerings. You can trade with other companies without limitations or geographical boundaries. Plus, your business can provide government services or transact directly with consumers.

Another advantage of a business setup in Dubai Mainland is having the opportunity to open several branches. This should help grow your presence in the Emirates and cater to more customers around the world.


Beyond saving taxes, mainland company formation in Dubai lets your business access the unique commercial advantages specific to the UAE. Let our team here at Virtue Corporate Services walk you through the process and eliminate the guesswork. With our personalised approach and expertise, you can confidently grow your business in the UAE while you leave the setup process to us.

If you’re interested in this opportunity, call +971-501152351 for a free consultation about business setup in Dubai Mainland. Our team at Virtue will ensure a seamless company set up in the UAE while fulfilling your needs.

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    It is crucial to comprehend the distinction between obtaining a license with a visa quota and acquiring residency in the UAE. A license with a visa quota solely covers the expenses related to a business license and visa quota, with the possibility of including a Flexi office lease in certain Freezones. However, possessing a visa quota does not automatically grant you UAE residency; additional steps must be completed. If you wish to apply for a partner/investor visa, there are supplementary costs involved. These include obtaining an immigration card, registering for E-channel (NE Only), and paying fees for visa, visa processing, medical examination and Emirates ID typing. To effectively plan your business expenses, it is imperative to ask the right questions from the beginning to avoid surprises and hidden costs.